Guys, I have been so bad at coordinating my social media posts and my blog posts. Someday I’ll have this blog thing down. But for now, I’ll just keep writing down what I can, in hopes that something I write will be useful for your own home! Also stay tuned because I’m working on some cute little recipe cards to go with each of my posts that you can download to create your own little “Our Arizona Homestead” recipe book!

This is the EASIEST way to make donuts (for us anyway). All you need is a pack of the most basic biscuits. Well, you need more than that, but everything else is usually already at home!

Start by pouring some vegetable or canola oil in a skillet on medium-ish heat. Open up your biscuits and separate them, then use a small circle to cut out the “donut holes”. I use my Pampered Chef corer, but growing up we used this little orange tool — I’m not even sure what it was to be honest. 😂 You could also leave them as full biscuits if you’d like. I learned recently that my great grandma made them this way with some jelly or powdered sugar on top! BUT when my Grannie made them for us as kids, she just cut donut holes and fried them up and covered them in cinnamon sugar. SO GOOD 😍.

So, once the biscuits are prepped, throw them in the oil until golden brown, then flip and same thing on the other side. I usually set them on a plate of paper towels first for a second, then dunk them into a bowl of cinnamon sugar. You could also put a glaze on them or powdered sugar.

Like I said above, I’m working on some recipes cards, but this is the drawn out version so that I can feel like I accomplished something by writing a blog post! 😅 Little victories.

You know, I want to add something here. I’ve had a rough few months, so I’m writing this for those who have also been struggling mentally and emotionally. Obviously I love to write, so it has been really calming for me to write things down. I’ve been trying to focus on writing down the moments where Heavenly Father blesses my life in the smallest ways. Writing it down and reflecting just helps me feel a little more positive, and it motivates me to get up and get some things done! Complacency always provokes depressed and anxious feelings for me. SO, get up, write down some tender mercies in your life, and then go to WORK! Serve someone, clean up your house, do the laundry, make your favorite meal, play the piano, ride a horse, dance to some loud music on your Alexa Echo Dot, plant some flowers, FaceTime your friend. Do SOMETHING to get you out of that complacent mindset. You are stronger than you think, you are loved, you are divine, you are YOU for a reason. ❤️❤️


  1. I have made them this way for my kids back in the 70’s I used to place them in a baggie some with powdered sugar, some with cinnamon sugar or make a glaze and dip them. I also like putting strawberry or raspberry jam with a cake decorator.
    The only problem them are very small

    1. I think you would have loved my Grannie!❤️ That’s awesome you made them the same way! Did you make donut holes? If so, what did you make them with? Also, it’s funny you say they are very small… I agree, but I was just talking to my brother about this and he said he could only ever eat one at a time because there was so much sugar! haha

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