Thanks so much for checking out my website! I wanted to take some time to tell everyone about myself and my family, and of course explain why I chose to start Our Arizona Homestead.

My name is Heather and I’m from Mesa, Arizona. I’m a wife who learns and tries to improve every day, I’m a momma to the sweetest 2 year old boy, the girliest 1 year old girl, and the chillest baby girl in my belly (chill because I only puked like 4 times this pregnancy… hallelujah). I love my husband and my family and the gospel more than anything! I have a very strong belief in our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know they love me and help me through literally everything I ask for in humble prayer.

I have always loved writing! Fun Fact – I skipped first grade and was always told that the main reason my teachers and administrators considered moving me ahead was because of my awesome writing skills. haha. But really, I remember totally hating reading comprehension, sort of enjoying math, and LOVING writing. I’m not sure all the technical terms of writing genres, but I really liked making up stories and writing about them. I also have always enjoyed writing in a journal or diary, although I have never been super consistent at it. Anyway, if you weren’t convinced at the beginning of the paragraph, maybe you are now — I love to write!

Now, I am not just a writing nerd haha. I really enjoy a variety of things, which is another reason why I wanted to create this blog and share all of my favorite things and methods of doing things. Some things that I like include parenting, wifing (is that a word?), planning, budgeting, paying bills, cooking, learning, teaching, playing sports, playing instruments, relaxing, and trying to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope that by reading through my website, you will learn some helpful and practical tips for your homestead, big or small. If you have any questions or topics you’d like me to write more about, please comment below! I’d love to hear from you!